Kodomo-Gekijo National Center

The Kodomo-Gekijo was organized in Fukuoka in 1966 with the objective of providing opportunities for adults and children to develop cultural understanding together, by enjoying and appreciating performances and the arts in their local areas.

Later this organization expanded nationwide and in 1974 it became a nationwide body. Since then, the organization has developed to the extent that it now cooperates with 700 regional organizations in 47 prefectural and city governments. The organization was re-reorganized in 1998 under the name of " Kodomo-Gekijo National Center " and was established as a corporate entity, a non-profit organization. The purpose is to create more opportunities for children to participate in society more frequently and to support such activities.

Members of the Kodomo-Gekijo participate in the performance of arts, such as drama and music, every year. The organization holds and participates in cultural activities every year.

Kodomo-Gekijo National Center is a membership organization consisting of children, adolescents, and parents. Kodomo-Gekijo members appreciate a number of superior stage performances every year nationwide and they also participate in the various cultural activities held in their own district.

In Japan , most of the theaters or music companies for children are concentrated in two large cities, Tokyo and Osaka , and their vicinities. For this reason, the opportunity for children in other cities to enjoy the theatrical arts on a daily basis is limited to the enjoyment of live stage arts.

The environment surrounding Japanese children has been getting worse. Excessive urban development, bitter competition for entrance examinations, and flooding materialism have deprived children of experiencing the beauty and richness of nature, leisurely enjoying cultural events, and influencing one another through joint play or study.

We (Kodomo-Gekijo) have started our movement with the desire to change the children's environment for the benefit of their futures and to foster rich sensitivity and spiritual sensitivity in their lives.

Kodomo-Gekijo has many members consisting of children and parents who belong to 600 regional organizations nationwide.

* Each of the 600 regional organizations is independent and composes one of our 47 prefectural branches in Japan .

Members watch superior stage performances sponsored regularly by Kodomo-Gekijo.

* In each regional organization, children form groups according to their interests. Each group plans various creative activities and implements them, or they enjoy outdoor cultural events.

* Young adults and parents assist in such activities for children in each of the regional organizations. They also arrange study meetings or inter-organizational parties for promoting friendship.

Kodomo-Gekijo National Center promotes and sponsors cultural exchange activities on a nationwide scale.

* Kodomo-Gekijo National Center conducts studies and creates policies for the benefit of children in order to enhance their cultural environment.

* Kodomo-Gekijo National Center sponsors festivals for encouraging new, high quality drama for children.

* Kodomo-Gekijo National Center introduces overseas productions and invites leading foreign companies to Japan .

* Kodomo-Gekijo National Center provides information by publishing books and pamphlets on cultural and artistic activities for children.

The performing arts movement for children started in 1966.

* The Kodomo-Gekijo National Center was established in 1974.

* The organization was re-organized in 1998 as a corporate entity, a non-profit organization.


-Non-Profit Organization-

RaionsManshon-Dai3 402

Nishikoiwa2-20-16@Edogawa City

TOKYO@JAPAN 133-0057

@@@@@@@@@@Phone   +81-3-5369-‚Q‚W‚P‚P                 

F a x   +81-3-5369-‚Q‚W‚P‚Q

Email :cpa@kodomo-npo.org

URL http://www.kodomo-npo.org